Since 2018 we’ve educated 128 research scientists in the skills of entrepreneurship so they can take their knowledge to the marketplace and save men, women and children from substance use disorder.
We are expanding our work to address the broader issue of mental health and help scientists and entrepreneurs move their innovations into the marketplace more rapidly, more successfully and with greater impact than ever before.
I2I Alumni Changing the World
Zac Imel, Founder of Lyssn set out to change the way mental health treatments are assessed and taught. Lyssn is a technology that uses spoken language AI to help health and human services systems scale true quality assurance.
Courtney Miller, Founder and CEO of Myosin Therapeutics is building a private pharmaceutical company. One of her first products is a single injection solution to methapmphetamine addiction.
Sarah Beal and her co-founder created IDENTITY, a technology that integrates electronic health and child welfare records in near-real time for healthcare providers and caseworkers, improving the effectiveness of treatment for foster children. Cordata licensed their technology and is implementing it in states throughout the US.
Dr. Lynn Fiellin is passionate about using digital health games in the form of evidence-based videogames to help children, teens and young adults make better decisions and live healthier lives. Playbl is a portfolio of digital health games that provide information and skill building around risk prevention, mental health and well-being, and social intelligence.
Sarah Ferraro Cunningham and her co-founder created Panaptic, a national leader in cannabis use prevention for young people. Panaptic provides a comprehensive, innovative curriculum and customized resources to empower educational institutions, healthcare organizations and families by providing safe and effective prevention education.
Innovation to Impact at Yale
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